Jan 17, 2017
Winter Planning
Most of us have put away our gardening tools for the winter, except maybe some pruning tools that we will use to do our winter pruning. ...

Jan 13, 2016
Lenten Roses think Lent is starting in January this year!
This photo was taken on January 6, 2016 in Champaign, IL. We had just gotten almost 4" of rain the previous week but the temps had...

Mar 5, 2015
Let's Keep Growing, Gifford, IL
Ludwig Bros. is partnering with The Champaign County Farm Bureau, The Rotary Club of Champaign and other local and regional organizations...

Jul 18, 2014
Building a gas powered fire pit and seat walls with Rivercrest wall stone
Started a new project this week featuring new Rivercrest wall stone by Unilock. This wall stone is the most natural looking we have seen...

Mar 18, 2014
First load of Shredded Hardwood Mulch has arrived.
We are excited that our first load of great mulch is here! Why shredded hardwood mulch? Mulch is used to hold mositure, discourage...
Mar 10, 2014
Spring Landscape Cleanup Tips
- Get out early before your plants emerge and it is much easier. -Cut back perennials and ornamental grasses but not so short as to...

Mar 9, 2014
Ludwig Bros. Partners with The Champaign County Farm Bureau and The Rotary Club of Champaign to plan
There is an exciting new project we are working on. We will be supplying equipment , labor and expertise to help replace trees in the...
Mar 9, 2014
Adding a small natural water feature to your yard is easier than you might think!
This fountain was installed in the fall of 2013. The video shows it before we put the finishing touches on it with flat pebbles hiding...